We all know that 3D printing is changing the world, radically. But what is it doing for the way we buy and sell things? Check out a piece I wrote for Forbes' Techonomy blog about how the Shapeways community is fueling the rise of creative commerce. Snippet below...
However, e-commerce is likely to go beyond better of the same; it will be different. Looking at creative trends and the emergence of 3D printing communities, we can expect the rise of "creative commerce" (c-commerce). It will be a shift from a two-sided marketplace (BUY and SELL) to a dynamic makerplace (CREATE, BUY and SELL).
People of all tech backgrounds are already involved in the creation of the content they consume - from music to art to news to video. Take blogging, for example. With easy-to-use tools like WordPress, Tumblr or even Twitter, writing and sharing ideas became easy for everyone. The desire to be involved in a creative process before the purchase extends beyond digital content and into the objects that populate our lives.
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